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Packaging at Multipick

Packaging bylaw (not applicable outside of Germany)

In accordance with the regulations of the packaging bylaw we are obliged to accept back packaging materials of our products and ensure their recycling or proper disposal, if they are not labeled with the sign of a system of comprehensive waste disposal (e.g. the “green dot” of the Duales System Deutschland GmbH). For further clarification in case of returned packaging material please contact us through the address below. 

Multipick, Godesberger Str. 51, D-53175 Bonn, Telefon: +49 (0) 228-39187-15, Fax: +49 (0) 228-39187-41. 

We will identify a local recycling facility or a disposal company in your area that will accept your packaging material without charge. The packaging material will be reused by us or disposed of according to the regulations of the packaging bylaw.